helps you find lawyers that use Video Calls and Hangouts to meet with you online, face to face, to discuss your legal matter. Appointments are usually required for Video Calls the same way as an office visit with the Lawyer. The Founder and owner of LawyerCams is Thomas Finley, a solo Lawyer in Texas for over 27 years who is active on Social Media and very familiar with Lawyer Marketing.

Lawyer Video Calls, unlike a traditional office visit, saves time and is more efficient when a face-to-face meeting with a Lawyer is needed. Video Calls are encrypted and secure by Google. Other types of Video Calls are Skype, Facebook, Apple Facetime, and others. Go to to find a lawyer in your State and in the area of practice you are searching for to find a lawyer that uses Video Calls. Lawyers can differentiate themselves by adding Video Calls to their practice and set themselves apart in their Lawyer Marketing.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

How To Start a Private Google+ Video Call (Hangout) with a GMail Account

Starting a Private Google Video Call Hangout with GMail

It may be confusing to some that a Google Video Call Hangout can be started without a Google+ account. Google Hangouts are available to anyone that has a GMail account. The following are the step by step details as to how to start a Google Video Call Hangout from a GMail Account. The first step is to sign in through GMail.

Step #1. Go to and put in the correct username and password. If you do not have a GMail account use the create account box in the upper right hand corner of the screen. The following screenshot was taken in September 2013 so their might be some variability in the layout but there will always be a Sign In feature or a create an account box.

Step #2 – Access the Google Hangouts feature within GMail. On the left hand side of a default GMail setup users will see the following layout:

This particular GMail account does not have any contacts. Even if there are contacts within the Hangouts feature you must still click on the camera icon that is to the right of the phone icon. When clicking the camera icon a new browser pop up screen will appear that looks like this:

As you can see, there is the ability to add names, circles or email addresses. Recently, a function has been added to add telephone. In this box, simply type in the email address of the individual you are trying to start a private Google Hangout with. More advanced users can add participants to their Google+ circles but that will be discussed in another resource. For the most basic service, just type in the email address and the client or coworker will get an invitation through their email.

Step 3 – Invite participant(s) by name, circles or email address.
Below is the screen that becomes available once you click submit or cancel. Notice there is an option to invite people in the very middle of the browser as well as on the left hand side. Both of these tabs are clickable links that will bring up the previous screen that will allow a user to add names, circles or email address.

Step 4 – Enjoy a 100% private video conference Google Hangout. After completing steps one through three you will have access to a private Google Hangout video chat.
Precautions: Make 100% certain the participant does not share the invitation link to anyone. This link will allow an Google+ user to entire the private hangout chat. Under no circumstances should this link be shared by the invitee. If you want a completely private hangout make sure the client or coworker is aware of this before the event starts.

LawyerCams® thanks Google+ expert and copywriter +Jesse Wojdylo for his contribution to this post.


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